Ghost of Samuel Pepys seen in mcdonalds
Well here we are again, ive had a few days break from this as I dont really want to write every day like a diary, and going on about how bad everything has got here gets depressing after a while.There have been many mistakes made here in cambridge but there is no sign that the powers that be have learned from them, the new arcade is on its way, it wont be finished untill 2008, I dont see cambridge having any life in the center by then, if you rip out all the character, eg the houses and small shops and stick boxes in their place its only a matter of time before the bigger shopping centers nearby win out, places that have been purpose built to exist alone as a mall.Well I wont be living in cambridge for much longer,its time to move on and let them get on with it ,but while I am still here I want to find out as much as I can about what has gone wrong ,then I can write some sort of a book about it all, there is always hope of everything being reversed but it wont happen if the locals dont start doing something about it, like joining me in boycotting the grafton, ok if my wife makes me go there to do some christmas shopping then I'll have to heh but sometimes in married life you just have to make sacrifices.
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