Friday October 21st
I dont think there is any excuse for turning the victoria cinema into a marks and spencers, others may think there is no excuse for waiting four hours to see Star Wars, I didnt really enjoy the film though and felt like I had missed something, after all it was supposed to be an incredible film etc etc but now I dont feel so bad about not liking it. Ok I did enjoy the Empire strikes back but it stands on its own as a good movie, I find the whole Star wars thing very shallow and money driven.Anyway the marks and spencers incident isnt the only example of old established places being taken over by big names who seem to just appear wherever they like.Woolworths has only recently been taken over by Next, nothing against Next apart from the clothes it sells and the name itself which just sounds like someone tried to think of the most boring and mundane word for a clothes store. Woolworths is where I bought my first single, ok it was the wombles with wombling merry christmas, happy? I have many other good memories and its surely a must for any city or town to have a woolworths. Well its gone and now cambridge has two next stores.Is this what they call progress?.
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