Another new start
So I am still in Cambridge and still watching it vanish before my eyes, I did think of just not letting it bother me like I suspect a lot of other locals do, but even though I dont have any hope of saving whats left or bringing back whats gone, I can still write about it and in a way that is saving it. A town or city starts with just open space, then it becomes a place with lots of different types of buildings, if you then go and knock a building down and put something in its place it means you are knocking down parts of the Town or City, putting up new buildings doesnt change that fact. In Cambridge you'll find that all the shopping malls were built on what used to be housing, I am interested in the houses and the people who lived in them. I was lucky to live in one of those houses so thats probably why I get depressed about whats happening here in Cambridge. I have accepted that I just wasnt around at the right time to maybe help put a stop to the destruction, it started way back in 1950 with the Holford report I think it was. So the best thing I can do is just try and find out facts about Cambridge that have all been lost with all the so called progress, i dont think there is anything wrong with being angry about it all though, in the Cambridge evening news there are many old photos and stories from the past and thats great, but its all delivered in a straight jounalistic fashion, I want to know how the person writing the article feels about the way things have changed, the trouble is most of the writing about Cambridge is done by people who are probably more concerened with the university then the town itself. I know a lot of people who have come into Cambridge to work at the university, acedemics who might have once been a student and have since returned, or just outsiders. Now I have to confess that my father got a job at the university and thats how we ended up living here, I was seven years old when we first moved into fitzroy street, so i'm not really a local who doesnt like the university and all that stuff, in a way i would have been happy to have become a cambridge student, thats based on me seeing chariots of fire though heh and not much more, but I am sure certain things have been the same for hundreds of years, customs and all that Gilbert and Sullivan society type of thing, and that does appeal to me. Anyway thats it for now, i'll be back soon with more ramblings, and hopefully a few pictures. |